Alumni Reunion
After all the preparations, sending tens of invitations, hard negotiations and brainstorming, the most significant event of this summer happened! On the 28th of June MUNRFE Alumni Reunion took place and gathered more than twenty participants!
The decision to conduct the Reunion in Vladivostok was made at XVIII President Council and fully proved its value. Vladivostok club welcomed its distinguished guests warmly and hospitably in a cozy restaurant with a nice Asian atmosphere. But it was not the greatest delight of that evening. The guests, of course, were the most important part of this event and constitute what MUNRFE definitely can be proud of. Names of Roman Kopko, Ekaterina Baranova, Sergey Koval, Evgeney Bugrov, Ekaterina Kramarenko you do not hear very often now, but these people are those who were creating the history of the Organization and once devoted their student years to MUN like we continue doing it now. The most outstanding guest there was the Founder himself.
Dr. Jeffrey Lindstrom visited the Reunion accompanied by his beautiful wife Evgeniya and adorable sister. He received a symbolic present from graduates of Shared Mental Models of Leadership school ended a week before. It was a T-shirt with the logo of the School and a number of words commonly used there. There were such serious terms like ‘flow’ and ‘obliquity’ printed on it and some funny phrases occurred in the process of communication. But Dr. Lindstrom was not the only person who widened his wardrobe that evening. Also, 3 funny T-shirts were presented to the MUNers who are leaving the Organization this summer. They are:
1 Irina Fedorenko;
2 Edward Romanenko;
3 Ayumi Tsukamoto;
4 Vladislav Sklyanov;
They are leaving the Organization, but not our hearts! So we hope to see them at our future Reunions and wish them to apply all the knowledge and skills they gained in MUNRFE for their success!
After all the awards were received, people had the opportunity to enjoy exotic cuisine and talk to each other. It is worth noticing that at some moments the discussions resembled non-moderated caucus with its groups and circles. That’s what we call MUN style!
In the end, it is impossible not to thank the person who made all this real, Denis Chaplinsky. He was the engine, the generator of ideas and the main ‘implementator’ of this project. Denis, thank you so much for your work!