Autumn Master Classes 2011
«We have experienced 5 unforgettable weeks of mind-blowing lectures and conceptions. We have overcome all the trainings and completed all the tasks the Coordinators invented for us. We were extremely gorgeous at our Country Presentation! We even passed the exam! We debated during the Mini-Conference! Finally, we graduated!» - that is what all VladMUN newcomers can proudly say about themselves.
VladMUNRFE Autumn Master Classes 2011 celebrated its successful completion on the 1st of November, right after all the saints rejoiced over their remembrance. Paying tribute to this popular feast, the Graduation Party took place in the abode of evil spirits which eventually occurred in VSUES that night. In spite of eerie atmosphere of the holiday, 35 MUN School graduates and many active MUNers attended this event and a bit sadly, but anticipating the new great achievements, saw off the last appearance of these Master Classes. They had a lot to recollect.
Thanks to our brilliant lecturers, the newcomers have graduated with wide knowledge of MUNRFE concepts and techniques. Among the traditional lectures and interpretations there were presented the brand new ones, what significantly increased the value of the five weeks passed not only for the participants, but for the club and organization itself. During the trainings we could observe the potential of future MUNers and practically chase their development. Some of them showed outstanding results in country presentation, exam, debate. The team of Germany was recognized as the best team, those, who demonstrated exceptional team spirit, deep understanding of MUN concepts and courage bargaining with their respective colleagues. Congratulations to their advisers – Viktorya Vinoselova and Marina Rashchepkina!
Of course, the main intrigue of the party concerned the winners of the Mini-Conference. The best delegates there were:
Kirill Karepkin (France in 2nd Committee of GA),
Angelina Sharovara (Russia in the Security Council), and
Marina Shut’ (Ukraine in UNESCO).
These brave debaters got the opportunity to attend the X International MUNRFE Session without paying their tickets to Khabarovsk and being the representatives of Columbia there! We believe, that this great example will encourage all the rest of newcomers to take part in the upcoming MUN conferences and other projects, conquering new mountains, opening undiscovered horizons and taking a valiant lead!