MUNRFE, local authorities and other NGOs. Are there any links?
Yes, there are links on different levels. Briefly about them.
This year MUNRFE tried to establish relations with one of the largest NGOs in Russia – the National Youth Council that unites 52 youth and children’s organizations, acting on the regional and national levels.
In February 2009 National Youth Council of Russia announced a call for application to the project “Public Diplomatic Corps”. It was an opportunity for us to take part in diplomatic events on the Russia-EU level. Even though one of two of our members who applied was invited, unfortunately, due to financial reasons and change of the terms of participation, we could not take part in it.
However, the contacts were established and in March we have received information about the more feasible project to take part in – Training 50/50. This is training for young people in the Russian Far East aimed at building relationships between youth organizations and local authorities, organized by the National Youth Council and Youth Department of Council of Europe. There were strict limits to the number of participants; however, the application of Anastasia Burmistrova, a member of the Vladivostok MUNRFE club, was successful. The event takes place in Vladivostok from May 28 - June 2. So, in a couple of days, we hope to hear from Anastasia about its results.
Besides this, MUNRFE is registered in youth NGOs databases of City Administration and Youth Chamber of Vladivostok Duma, both keep us aware of relevant events in Vladivostok. Moreover, three members of the Vladivostok MUNRFE Club are simultaneously members of the Youth Chamber of Vladivostok Duma.
Even though most of the contacts with local authorities that MUNRFE has officially are in Vladivostok since it is registered there, we try to make these connections work for the whole organization.