MUNRFE conducts the selection process of FEFU delegation to Moscow International Model UN 2015
Model United Nations of the Russian Far East is happy to conduct the selection process of the delegation from Far Eastern Federal University to the Moscow International Model UN 2015 for the third year in a row in cooperation with FEFU Department of Youth Affairs and FEFU United Council of Students. The largest Model UN conference in Russia will take place on 19-24 April 2015 and traditionally will be hosted by a leading Russian university in terms of international relations research - MGIMO-University.
In order to participate in the selection process you need to fill in the application form (in Russian language) and submit it to by the deadline of January 31, 23:59 (VLAT). Any full-time FEFU student, including BA, MA and PhD programs, is eligible to apply. Candidates applying to participate in committees in foreign languages are especially welcomed. Up to 12 candidates will be selected for an interview and the best will represent FEFU at MIMUN 2015 having their travel costs covered by the University (after being considered by FEFU Department of Youth Affairs). Additional information about MIMUN 2015 is available at the official web-site.
MIMUN 2015 is going to be a unique event where 12 committees will be simulated with all official languages of the United Nations involved. The bodies open for registration include not only four principal organs (Security Council, General Assembly, Economic and Social Council, International Court of Justice) and various subsidiary organs or specialized agencies such as Human Rights Council, UNESCO and International Labor Organization, but a distinct regional organization – League of Arab States, operating in Arabic. The range of issues embraces UN reform, peacekeeping, international migration, disarmament, terrorism, etc. MUNRFE looks forward to select the best students to represent FEFU and ready to assist everyone interested in Model UN participation. You may find the detailed procedure of the selection process in FEFU to MIMUN 2015 here (in Russian language).