MUNRFE representatives conducted School of leadership in Volno-Nadezhdinskoye
On April 10 members of Vladivostok MUNRFE Club Ms. Alexandra Kosyreva and Ms. Ekaterina Tretiakova attended School №1 in Volno-Nadeshdinskoye rural settlement. Young ladies conducted the set of lectures for the participants of the local project aimed at raising the abilities of high school students for self-governance. Students of 10 and 11 grade had a unique opportunity to plunge into self-development area in limited timeframes. This year the School of Leadership took only one day, nevertheless, the opportunities brought before young leaders left the same as usual. MUNRFE members delivered lectures and conducted various trainings on leadership, public speaking, goal-setting and time management for the participants of the project. The schoolchildren have expressed their natural interest to new and fresh knowledge being actively involved into discussions and trainings. Except for the brought educational component, our representatives have introduced the upcoming bright events of the Organization which is the Far Eastern Model UN and FireStarter 2017 and by that means explained the participants the core values and key activities of the MUNRFE.
School of Leadership in Volno-Nadezhdinskoye is already a traditional annual event for MUNRFE. The representatives of local Administration on constant basis invite our members to teach the younger generation the basics that are essential to every successful high-school student to be productive and perspective.