XI International MUNRFE Conference
The year of 2013 started for Model United Nations of the Russian Far East with a great event awaited for more than half a year by every true MUNer. This project gathered about 100 people from Vladivostok, Fokino, Khabarovsk, Blagoveshchensk, Yizhevsk, Kaliningrad, and Moscow, as well as from some Chinese, Japanese and South Korean cities. It took place at the legendary Far Eastern Federal University campus on the Russkiy Island. It gave birth to new MUN legends, stars and talented youngsters. It was the fabulous XI International MUNRFE Conference of 7-11 January 2013!
From the very beginning it was clear that the scale and level of the Conference were going to be extremely high: the delegations were placed in comfortable, if not to say luxurious, rooms in the campus dorm, each day they enjoyed delicious meals sponsored by the Far Eastern Federal University, debated in the halls, where real political leaders negotiated with each other… All these opportunities were taken thanks to enormous efforts of the Conference’s Coordinator, our brilliant Darya Fedorova, who did not have regular meals and sleep for months just to realize this project.
The Conference started with the grandiose Opening Ceremony, where His Excellency Secretary-General, Mr. Sergey Lebedev, addressed to all delegates with his welcoming speech. Following the main concept of the Conference, “Crossing along the red line: partnership or competition”, the debates were held in frames of 5 UN-related bodies: the General Assembly, Security Council, United Nations Development Program, International Monetary Fund and the International Court of Justice. The process of debating was very unpredictable and exciting: the delegates had to cope with not only the issues of their preliminary agenda, but numerous crises provided by the honorable Secretariat. The representatives of the UN GA, UNDP and IMF even experienced the Joint Session gathered with the aim to prevent the global economic collapse. Thanks to our distinguished guest from Spain, Jordi Tebe Ceto, the MUNers had the opportunity to relax “in oriental style” during his motion training on self-expression.
Finally, the Conference got over, and all the challenges delegates faced were overcome. The closing ceremony with its bright speeches from the Secretariat members and committees’ reporters inspired everyone for new diplomatic deeds, but, unfortunately, the only thing to take place after it was the banquet. The amazing banquet in Venice carnival style was held in Grand Café right on the top of the "Morvokzal" building with a perfect view on the new Golden bridge of Vladivostok. Dozens of MUNers wearing superb evening outfit and shining masks made this place even more dreamlike.
Indeed, for someone that night realized their cherished dreams and desires. Three teams from Vladivostok were marked as the best teams of the XI International MUNRFE Conference – China, India and Togo. Nine brave MUNers were distinguished by the Secretariat and were granted the credentials to represent MUNRFE at the National Model United Nations being held in the New York City. Here are the names of these heroes:
Olga Katina
Denis Chaplinskiy
Veronika Shchepinskaya
Marina Rashchepkina
Alexander Druzhinin
Boris Repin
Evgeniy Tymchenko
Ksenia Severinova
Victoria Shevchenko
Congratulations to the NY Team 2013!!!
Congratulations to everyone who took part in the Conference! We believe that it was one step forward on your way to future success! We hope that you enjoyed the process of the debates despite severe weather conditions, busy timetable with sleepless nights and that exhausting tons of research.