MUNRFE Autumn Master-Classes 2020 have been successfully conducted
The traditional educational project MUNRFE Autumn Master-Classes 2020 was successfully conducted in Vladivostok and Blagoveshchensk in the online format. MUNRFE Vladivostok Club conducted Autumn Master Classes 2020 “Climbing Up to Success” from September 25 to November 1 on the premises of Far Eastern Federal University. Also, Blagoveshchensk MUNRFE Master Classes 2020 was implemented from September 23 to October 4 in Amur State University. For one month, participants developed personal and professional qualities, including leadership skills, public speaking, negotiating skills, and immersed in the world of international relations.
After the first week of the Master-Classes in Vladivostok, participants were divided into teams guided by advisers, experienced members of MUNRFE Vladivostok Club, namely Ms. Anastasia Bezotosova and Ms. Kamila Kukushkina (Egypt), Ms. Aleksandra Mikhailyuk and Ms. Polina Dolgopolova (Germany), Ms. Christina Tolmacheva and Ekaterina Abushaeva (Mexico), Ms. Ekaterina Eryomina and Ms. Evgenia Sochneva (Russia), Ms. Maria Pankova and Ms. Polina Babenko (Viet Nam).
Working in frames of teams, participants had an opportunity to put new knowledge into practice as well as to demonstrate creativity, imagination, and public speaking techniques by taking part in traditional competitions in frames of the AMC – 12 seconds’ contest and Quest. Additionally, the apogee of teamwork was presented by the writing of a Country Profile, which greatly improved research and writing skills and demonstrated a high level of responsibility and knowledge.
At the final event of the Autumn Master-Classes, the Final Conference participants plunged into the atmosphere of diplomacy acting as official representatives of Member States of the UN and proposing solutions to global challenges at the UN Security Council and High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development. The agenda items were the following: Situation in the Middle East (Syria) and Innovative Pathways to achieve SDG 7 respectively.
Following the Final Conference, the Graduation party was conducted on November 1 to celebrate the closing of the MUNRFE Autumn Master-Classes 2020 and announce the winners of competitions and the best delegates. At this event, the Coordinators and the members of the Final Conference Secretariat announced the winners of the competitions and the best delegates:
Distinguished Delegates: Mr. Kirill Artyugin (China, SC), Mr. Egor Dvoenko (France, HLPF);
Honorable Mention Delegates: Mr. Klim Zakharov (UK, SC), Ms. Sofya Shuklina (Russia, SC), Ms. Yana Kiseleva (Italy, HLPF), Ms. Anastasiia Klemushina (Republic of Korea, HLPF);
Best Document award: Mr. Klim Zakharov (UK, SC);
Outstanding Delegation: Egypt (Ms. Maya Barantceva, Ms. Alina Vidyakina, Mr. Klim Zakharov, Ms. Anastasia Tcelishcheva);
Most Active Participant: Mr. Nadeem Roshan (Mexico);
Best 12” strategy: Tatiana Tcelishcheva (Germany).
The decent level of the AMC was reached through the work of the Coordinator’s Team Ms. Tatiana Akuneeva and Mr. Vladislav Zaytsev, Adviser’s Manager Ms. Daria Zlydar, PR Manager Ms. Anastasia Bezotosova, designer Ms. Ksenia Kushnareva, and the Working Group members, namely Ms. Aleksandra Mikhailyuk, Ms. Anna Nikolaeva, Mr. Danil Vinokurov, Ms. Ekaterina Abushaeva, and Ms. Elizaveta Berezutskaya.
MUNRFE expresses deep gratitude to Far Eastern Federal University, “Fripstila,” and “Chai da travy” for supporting the project and providing the winners with various prizes. Furthermore, MUNRFE sincerely congratulates participants and winners of the Final Conference on the successful realization of the project and welcomes everyone to the MUNRFE Annual Conference 2020.