Registration for the 20th MUNRFE Annual Conference is now open
On July 1, MUNRFE officially opened the registration for the 20th Anniversary MUNRFE Annual Conference 2021. The AC 2021 will be conducted on December 2-6 in Vladivostok.
For the 20th time, MUNRFE AC will unite students from all over Russia and abroad to discuss global problems related to climate change, human rights, international security, and development. The AC 2021 is planned to take place offline on the Far Eastern Federal University campus.
This year, the duties of the Secretary-General are assigned to MUNRFE Vladivostok Club President Ms. Tatiana Akuneeva, and the responsibilities of the Under-Secretary-General for Conference Management will be carried out by Vladivostok Club Vice-President Mr. Danil Vinokurov. Bearing the experience of leading the Club, representing MUNRFE at the National Model UN - New York 2021, and being the Secretariat members at the Far Eastern Model UN 2021, these people will do their best to conduct the main event of the year at the highest level.
For registration and detailed information, please visit the 20th Anniversary MUNRFE Annual Conference section.