Keeping a good tradition, MUNRFE Vladivostok Club has started its annual educational project - MUNRFE Autumn Master-Classes 2019 “Through difficulties to the stars” under the leadership of Mr. Oleg Powzyk and Ms.Polina Dolgopolova. Aimed at the development of professional capacities and personal qualities of youth, the project was launched by the Big Presentation that was successfully carried out on September 27 at Far Eastern Federal University (FEFU) and gathered more than 120 students from Vladivostok universities and high schools.
The first month of the autumn semester 2019 was marked with remarkable changes in the MUNRFE Management. MUNRFE welcomes new people who eager to contribute to the development of the Organization.
The Vladivostok and Blagoveshchensk Clubs held Presidential elections and chose two new Presidents who used to be vice-presidents in their respective Clubs. The new Presidents of Vladivostok and Blagoveshchensk Clubs are Alyona Plekhanova and Oksana Guliychuk respectively.
Currently, the Presidential teams are the following:
Vladivostok Club:
President – Alyona Plekhavova;
Vice-President – Alina Medved.
Blagoveshchensk Club:
President – Oksana Guliychuk;
Vice-president – Barbara Muler.
On September 29, the first-ever MUNRFE Assembly took place at the Far Eastern Federal University. The meeting was presided by MUNRFE Advisory Council Chairman Mr. Vitaly Savenkov.
The Assembly considered the ED Report for the 2019 spring semester, adopted a new edition of MUNRFE Code of Conduct, and discussed the plans for the MUNRFE 20th Anniversary, which is going to be celebrated next year. Besides, the meeting contained an educational component about MUNRFE, its history, and its public image.
According to MUNRFE Charter, the Assembly is the highest decision-making body of the Organization that makes fundamental ands strategic decisions.
On October 1, Model United Nations of the Russian Far East celebrates its birthday: 19 years ago, the Peace Corps volunteer, Dr. Jeffrey Lindstrom, with 8 students of Khabarovsk State Academy of Economics and Law founded a debate club in Khabarovsk, which then transformed into the non-commercial organization "MUNRFE" and expanded its borders to Vladivostok and Blagoveshchensk.
MUNRFE had numerous impressive achievements and bright events to be proud of on this important date. In turn, the Organization sincerely strives to carry on positively changing peoples minds and society around, providing lots of new opportunities, and raising new generations of leaders.
MUNRFE Vladivostok Club is going to conduct the MUNRFE Autumn Master-Classes 2019 “Through Difficulties to the Stars” in Far Eastern Federal University (FEFU) from September 27 to November 3 under the leadership of Oleg Powzyk and Polina Dolgopolova. The educational project unites Russian and international students in order to provide them with an opportunity to acquire soft skills and expand knowledge about the United Nations (UN).
The Big Presentation of the Project, at which the attendees will get answers to all their questions, is taking place on September 27, in FEFU, Building C, Red Conference Hall. The Application Form for the Presentation can be found here.
On September 19, MUNRFE Blagoveshchensk Club held an Excellence Day for the students of Amur State University (AmSU). The project aimed to introduce the students to MUNRFE, its activities, and further projects as the Annual Conference 2019. The attendees listened to the lectures about MUNRFE history and public speaking technics by the AmSU professor Dr. Marina Katynskaya, the distinguished alumnus of the Organization, and current Blago Club President Elizaveta Sungurova respectively. At the public speaking training, the participants had an opportunity to get tips for successful performing in public and try some of the MUNRFE methods of the public speaking skills improvement.