On March 12, MUNRFE Board met with the officers of the United Nations Refugee Agency Representation in Russia (UNHCR-Russia), Mr. Ararat Babayan, and Ms. Dinara Galakhova.
On March 7-9, Ms. Daria Zlydar, MUNRFE Deputy Executive Director and Far Eastern Model UN (FEMUN) 2021 Secretary-General, went to Blagoveshchensk to connect with the local university students.
On January 21, MUNRFE Executive Director Mr. Aleksei Stanonis was elected as a member of the Far Eastern Federal University Academic Council, and on March 4 joined the Standing Commission for the Educational Activities.
On February 26, MUNRFE Vladivostok Club conducted the Presidential Elections. As a result of the Club Meeting, Tatiana Akuneeva was elected as a President for the spring term.
On February 24, the representatives of the MUNRFE delegation to the National Model UN - New York 2021 took part in a virtual tour organized by the United Nations Secretariat. The delegation was invited to a one-hour virtual tour by the NMUN-NY Organizing Committee.
After several months of being in development, the new version of the MUNRFE website is finally uploaded to munrfe.ru. The previous version of the website was launched back in 2009, and in recent years - after more than 10 years of active exploitation - the need for an update has become more obvious than ever.