




On May 26, 2016, in cooperation with the Model United Nations of the Russian Far East an open lecture was read by the World Bank staff at the Far Eastern Federal University.

The lecture was delivered by Ms. Yulia Komagaeva, Coordinator of the World Bank Program on supporting Russia’s role in International Development Cooperation, in cooperation with Ms. Larisa Fugol and Mr. Vitaly Nagornov, World Bank consultants. During the lecture, the students deepened their knowledge of the work of the international financial institution and its twin goals to fight extreme poverty around the world and boost shared prosperity. Moreover, the students learnt about Russia as a donor and country's role in the international development cooperation.

Following an open lecture by the World Bank, its representatives organized a special workshop for participants of the Advanced Leadership School 2016 on the results-based project management with subsequent business game related to G20 model.

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ALS 2016: Report

From May, 26 to 27 members of Vladivostok MUNRFE Club have successfully participated in the Advanced Leadership School 2016. The event took place in the campus of the Far Eastern Federal University under the leadership of Ms. Ekaterina Tretiakova. This time MUNFE was honored to host outstanding guests, the specialists from the World Bank Office in Moscow as well as one MUNRFE alumnus.

During the first day of the School the participants and students of FEFU had a chance to visit an open lecture delivered by Ms. Julia Komagaeva, the coordinator of the World Bank Program for strengthening the role of Russia in the sphere of the International Development Assistance, Ms. Larisa Fugol and Mr. Vitaly Nagornov, the World Bank Consultants. After the introduction to the work of the organization and fruitful briefing on the Russia’s role in the international development, participants moved to the second part, a closed workshop on Project Management from the World Bank staff. The day was successfully completed by training in the format of a business game modeling the meeting of G20, where the participants introduced their projects prepared beforehand, representing different international organizations. As a result, three projects were adopted.

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Open lecture from the Word Bank Group in FEFU

On May, 26 the open lecture from the Word Bank Group officers will be conducted at the Far Eastern Federal University campus. The lecture will be delivered by Ms. Julia Komagaeva, the coordinator of the World Bank Program for strengthening the role of Russia in the sphere of the International Development Assistance.

The Word Bank Group is the international financial institution aimed at fighting global poverty in all its dimensions and boosting shared prosperity. Owing to the cooperation of the Model United Nations of the Russian Far East and the World Bank Group, the students of FEFU will be honored to listen to the professionals from the international financial institutions.

During the open lecture, students will deepen their knowledge in the fields of World Bank functions and its significant role of the Russian Federation in provision of the international development assistance. The lecture will be held on 26 May, 12:00 in the Conference Hall of the FEFU Department of Youth Policy (auditorium A840). All interested are highly invited to attend this lecture.

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Far Eastern Model UN 2016: Report

It is now pride and honor for MUNRFE to become the pioneer in the Russian Federation that has implemented the first Model UN Conference, using the UN4MUN approach developed by the United Nations Department for Public Information – the Far Eastern Model UN (FEMUN) 2016.

The Conference has been successfully implemented on May 5-8 in the campus of the Far Eastern Federal University, Vladivostok, Russia under the leadership of Secretary-General, Elena A. Kiseleva and Under-Secretary-General for GA Affairs and Conference Management, Ms. Victoria V. Yavorskaya. Overall FEMUN 2016 gathered an approximate number of 60 delegates from Moscow, Novosibirsk, Khabarovsk, Blagoveshchensk and Vladivostok, including foreign representatives from the People’s Republic of China, the Republic of Korea, Indonesia and Zambia.

FEMUN 2016 was marked with attendance of the following high profile speakers: the Head of the Division of Scholarship and Grant programs, FEFU Department of Youth Affairs – Ms. Natalia E. Spichenkova and the Attaché of the Representation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia in Vladivostok – Mr. Alexey V. Shchetinin, who welcomed the delegates at the Opening Ceremony along with the welcoming speeches by MUNRFE Director-General – Mr. Vitaly E. Savenkov and the Acting Secretary-General of the Far Eastern Model UN 2016 – Ms. Ksenia O. Shevtsova. Moreover the participants were exclusively addressed with the welcoming video message from Mr. Vladimir V. Kuznetsov, the Director of the United Nations Information Center in Moscow.

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MUNRFE Director-General, Mr. Vitaly E. Savenkov, successfully represented the organization at the WFUNA International Model UN in Arga, India from April 28 to May 2, 2016. Following the UN4MUN format the Conference gathered overall about 200 international students from 20 different countries across all continents. Mr. Savenkov was invited to perform the duties of the Director of the United Nations Security Council, which discussed the agenda of “The Road Map for Peace Process in Syria”. The Conference was organized by the World Federation of the United Nations (WFUNA). The event was marked with the participation of Mr. Bonian Golmohammadi, the Secretary-General of the WFUNA and Mr. Bill Yotive, the main author of the UN4MUN Concept and the former Project Coordinator for the Global Teaching and Learning Project of the Education Outreach section of the UN Department for Public Information.

WIMUN India 2016 became the largest conference implemented in accordance with the UN4MUN concept, which being is actively promoted by the United Nations. The concept is aimed to facilitate the accuracy of the simulation of the United Nations work throughout Model UN Conferences.

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MUNRFE Deputy Executive Director, Ms. Elena A. Kiseleva has successfully represented MUNRFE at the Moscow International Model UN, the largest Model UN conference in the Russian Federation, which was conducted on 17-22 April 2016 and traditionally implemented in the leading Russian university of the international relations – MGIMO-University.

Prior the Conference Ms. Kiseleva was selected as one of the Grant Competition winners which granted her an opportunity to participate in MIMUN 2016 having a full reimbursement of all expenses, including a round-trip ticket, accommodation and meals during the conference. In accordance with the MIMUN 2016 Grant Competition, the perspective participants were required to submit an essay on the relevant agenda item and to go through an interview with the MIMUN Secretariat. The requirements for successful participation were the demonstration of English proficiency, ability to express thoughts correctly and logically, competence and knowledge on agenda of the selected committee and the structure of the United Nations.

Ms. Kiseleva performed the role of the Republic of Iraq, an observer state in the UN Security Council, debating on the agenda of elimination of the international terrorism.

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