




The V Regional MUNRFE Conference has brought together young leaders and future diplomats from Blagoveshchensk, Khabarovsk, and Vladivostok on 30, April – 03, May, 2014. This time the Conference was hosted by Khabarovsk MUNRFE Club under the leadership of Ms. Elena Kiseleva on the base of one of the biggest universities on the Russian Far East – the Pacific National University. The concept of the Conference "Untwining the tangle of regional problems: Eastern Europe in focus" was built around the European region giving an opportunity to the Far Eastern students to look deeper into the latest developments of one of the hottest territory in the world nowadays.

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Message to the participants of the Model United Nations of the Russian Far East (MUNRFE) in regard of the V Regional MUNRFE Conference, held in Khabarovsk, April 30 - May 3, from the Director of the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UN ESCAP) East and North-East Asia Office Dr. Kilaparti Ramakrishna.

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Summer School

On the occasion of the semester of Presidency for Italy at the European Union, Rome Model UN is glad to propose the possibility to participate in a Summer School on European Union. The main goal of the Summer School is to further involve young people in a discussion about the future of Europe in terms of institutional structure and future policies and approaches. As the future of Europe will be on the hands of future generations it is essential to involve them in a one-week intensive programme where students may understand the main functionings of the EU institutions and consequently discuss about possible changes for the future and identifying the main routes to follow.

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On the 4th of April 2014, MUNRFE delegation to National MUN in New York (Ms. Ksenia Shevtsova, Mr. Alexander Yugai, Mr. Lavrentiy Pak, Ms. Anna Ivanova, Mr. Jesse Thomas and Mr. Ksenia Severinova) was invited for a meeting in the World Bank Headquarters in Washington D.C. This meeting has become real thanks to the officer from World Bank office in Moscow Ms. Yulia Komagaeva, who attended the XII International MUNRFE Conference in December 2013 in Vladivostok as an invited expert at the World Bank simulation at the Conference.

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MUNRFE at the United Nations

For more than 10 years of its existence, MUNRFE has been sending the Team of winners of its International Conference to the United States in order to show great results in debating, public speaking and knowledge. Though it has already become a tradition for the Organization to win the highest awards at Conferences in San-Francisco and New York, the year of 2014 turned out to be special for MUNRFE for one more reason. For the first time in the history MUNRFE delegates was honored to visit the Permanent Mission of a represented country to the United Nations. This time representing the Lao People's Democratic Republic, the delegation had an opportunity to meet the Deputy Permanent Representative, Chargé d'Affairs a.i. of the Lao PDR to the United Nations, Mr. Kham-Inh Khitchadeth and other diplomatic officers of the LPDR Permanent Mission to the UN.

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MUNRFE is deeply happy to announce the results of the V RC Grant Competition. After careful evaluation of submitted Policy Papers 4 delegates became winners of the Competition: Vladislav Ulanov, OSCE, Russia, Khabarovsk; Alexander Ivanov, OSCE, Czech Republic, Vladivostok; Nadezhda Shish, UNESCO, Czech Republic, Vladivostok; Artem Puzikov, OSCE, Germany, Blagoveshchensk. They submitted the best Policy Papers according to the deadline, thus their registration payments will be waived by the Secretariat. We would like to congratulate our winners and wish them good luck and every success!

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Relevant now
Tuesday, 31 December 2024 23:26

While we are waiting for 2025, we can look back on outgoing 2024 to get ready for the next adventure of the upcoming year.

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